международный информационный проект "РУССКИЙ ДИАЛОГ" Внимание! "Русский Диалог" изменил адрес. Теперь к ссылке rus-dialog.com добавляем ACTIVEBOARD, получается Rus-Dialog.Activeboard.Com. Постепенно на форуме все ссылки относящиеся к Rus-Dialog.com и Sobesednitsa.Activeboard.com будут заменены на Rus-Dialog.Activeboard.Com
When a user clicks through from another site to your Active Board, the system automatically records the last page that was visited just prior to arriving at your forum (the referring URL). Typically these are pages which link to your forum or otherwise direct traffic there.
The referring URL is a variable which is passed by the user's browser to our servers as part of their request for a forum page. This information is optional and voluntary-- no invasive tracking is used, and in no way is the user's privacy compromised. Any extra parameters included in the URL using the "get" method are removed automatically.
The following URLs have been recorded by Active Board for referring traffic to your forum: